

  1. kirjallinen kuvaus.

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kirja A collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc.

She opened the book to page 37 and began to read aloud.

He was frustrated because he couldnt find anything about dinosaurs in the book.''

A long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets.

I have three copies of his first book.

A major division of a long work.

Genesis is the first book of the Bible.

Many readers find the first book of A Tale of Two Cities to be confusing.

puhekieltä A record of betting (from the use of a notebook to record what each person has bet).

Im running a book on who is going to win the race.''

A convenient collection, in a form resembling a book, of small paper items for individual use.

a book of stamps

a book of raffle tickets

puhekieltä The script of a musical.
puhekieltä Records of the accounts of a business.
A long document stored (as data) that is or will become a book; an e-book.
puhekieltä A colloquial reference to a book award, a recognition for receiving the highest grade in a class (traditionally an actual book, but recently more likely a letter or certificate acknowledging the achievement).
puhekieltä Six tricks taken by one side.
puhekieltä four of a kindWeisenberg, Michael (2000) The Official Dictionary of Poker. MGI/Mike Caro University. ISBN 978-1880069523
puhekieltä A document, held by the referee, of the incidents happened in the game.
puhekieltä A list of all players who have been booked (received a warning) in a game.
{{quote-journal|date=March 2, 2011


"Myöskin perintöruhtinas, sittemmin Aleksanteri ii|book, piti kovasti sedästä ja kävi tiheään sedän verstaassa katsomassa hänen töitään."

"Valtaistuimelle nousi Aleksanteri ii|book, jonka suosiota kreivi oli saanut kiittää kaikista loistavista ylennyksistään, sillä he olivat olleet perintöruhtinaan kanssa mieskohtaisia ystävyksiä."

"Kreivi, joka oli jo ehtinyt ajella partansa Nikolai I:n tyylistä Aleksanteri ii|book:n tyyliin, jättäen leuan paljaaksi ja säilyttäen poskiparran, istui syvässä nojatuolissa, vihelteli hiljaa ja näppäili peukalon hienolla kynnellä pitkän sigarettinsa tyveä."


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