


  1. (intansitiivinen) mennä



  1. mennä.

Lisää synonyymejää


englanti (lv-inflection of)
(qualifier)'' (lv-inflection of)
to go, to walk (gloss)


puhekieltä, (m) “away” to leave, to go away

(ux) to die)|inline=1

to go somewhere, for a purpose, on foot or in a vehicle

(ux) to become a soldier)|inline=1

(ux) to a situation of high risk of death)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go with a vehicle
to go somewhere regularly, to do something

(ux) to go do his duties)|inline=1

puhekieltä “way” to go forward in some direction

(ux) to act honestly)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to move so as to go

(ux) move)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to fly, to swim

(ux) swimming, moving)|inline=1

(ux) flying) away|inline=1

puhekieltä (non-gloss definition); to go (do something)
puhekieltä to go, to move; (syn. (m)) to depart

(ux) depart) in 10 minutes|inline=1

(ux) departed) in the morning|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to move, to be in motion
puhekieltä to run, to work
puhekieltä to go, to go by, to pass, to go on

(ux) getting to be) half spring|inline=1

(ux) it is getting close to one o'clock)|inline=1

kā saule riet un mēness riet, tā mūžs uz beigu stundu iet'' — as the sun sets and the moon (also) sets, so does life go to the final hour

(ux) more than half of my life has passed), Tebra comes to (my) mind increasingly more often|inline=1

puhekieltä to go (gloss)
puhekieltä to go, to be assigned to (a purpose, a goal), to have a certain fate

(ux) is exported)|inline=1

(ux) comes off, is lost)|inline=1

(ux) comes off)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to become (in a certain way)

(ux) something bad is happening fast)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go (to be disposed via, to be realized
puhekieltä to go, to be placed in, to fit

(ux) it fits 100 liters)|inline=1

(ux) fit) (your) hand(s)?|inline=1

(ux) don't fit) (my) feet|inline=1

(ux) barely fits me)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to be send sent

(ux) it will take a couple of days for it to reach its destination)|inline=1

puhekieltä to go, to spread, to become known

(ux) there is a rumor)|inline=1

puhekieltä to be shown, presented

(ux) is being shown) at the cinema,” she said mournfully... “but we won't make it (in time)...”|inline=1


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