i am learning finnish now and lets see if it will work..

Tarkoititko: I-teräs

Ehdota määritelmää

Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:

Katso myös: kaininmerkki, nasiiri, apokalyptinen, jaakobinpaini, eksonyymi


  • "The truth, however, is that a composer need not work in isolation; there is no reason for us to suppose that Reich's popularity and commercial success brands him as a cult figure unworthy of our attention."

  • "Johnson, kill all the giant pandas. They work for a communist regime, you know. (Suom: Johnson, tapa kaikki jättiispandat. Ne työskentelevät kommunistihallinnolle, kuten tiedät.)"

  • "Not only am I not learning, I'm forgetting stuff I used to know." (Paitsi että en opi mitään, unohdan nekin asiat, jotka ennen tiesin.)"

  • "Currently, the associate professor of criminal sociology Johan Bäckman (Beckman), a current genius in own branch in Finland, is also a famous dissident in Finland. A prestigious crowd, with a few neo-Nazis and Finnish politicians from Brüssel, has written a open letter calling for the University that Bäckman should be muzzled."

  • "Uusi-seelanti ei ole pieni kaupunki, vaan suuri kylä." "

Ehdota määritelmää
