Liittyvät sanat: I-palkki, I-teräs.


englanti puhekieltä (non-gloss definition). (alternative spelling of)
A form of the prefix in-, used before gn, as in ignoble, ignominy, and ignore.
puhekieltä (non-gloss definition).
Alluding to the internet
Alluding to cutting-edge or fashionable digital devices and computer programs, especially those from Apple.
1999, Melissa August, “Ad Infinitum”, in Time, v 154, November 1,,9171,992425,00.htmlixzz0lUf2ZKlT p 39:
I-WHAT?! Seems everyone's ripping off the iMac idea. Take this parody ad for the fruity-colored “iBrator” at
2011, Scotty Smith, Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith, Baker Books, ISBN 9780801014048, (gbooks):
In our “iWorld” of new gadgets and cool widgets, help us to ponder the reality that over half of the population on the earth exists on three of our American dollars, or less, a day.
Alluding to Apple products, whether fashionable or cutting-edge or not
Any-, some-. (Indeterminate :Category:Esperanto correlatives|correlative prefix.)
(alternative form of)
(form of)
puhekieltä First person plural subject + third person singular object.
puhekieltä Second person singular subject + third person inverse number object.
puhekieltä Third person singular subject + third person inverse number object.
puhekieltä Third person plural subject + third person singular object.
(formative) Third person plural subject.
to go
(non-gloss definition)
they (gloss)
he, she, it (gloss)


i- rimmaa näiden kanssa:

standardi-, ei-, lähi-, vaki-, vihki-, iki-, leikki-, arkki-, äkki-, keski-

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