


  1. huumori

  2. tuuli (mieliala)

  3. vanhahtava|k=en neste; historia|lääketiede|k=en elämänneste, ruumiinneste

Esimerkkejä humour sanan käytöstä:

You seem to be in a very good 'humour' today.

The four 'humours' of the body were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm.

vitreous 'humour' – silmää täyttävä geeli



  1. laatu, ominaisuus, koomisuus, huumori, hauskuus, kammioneste, lasiainen, sisäkorvan sisäneste, endolymfa, kehon neste, elimistön neste.

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elimistön neste

olla mieliksi puhekieltä The quality of being amusing, comical, funny. (defdate)


(w) (1730-1774)
For thy sake I admit / That a Scot may have humour, I'd almost said wit.
(w) (1783-1859)
A great deal of excellent humour was expended on the perplexities of mine host.
(RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)
They stayed together during three dances, went out on to the terrace, explored wherever they were permitted to explore, paid two visits to the buffet, and enjoyed themselves much in the same way as if they had been school-children surreptitiously breaking loose from an assembly of grown-ups. The boy became volubly friendly and bubbling over with unexpected humour and high spirits.
puhekieltä A mood, especially a bad mood; a temporary state of mind or disposition brought upon by an event; an abrupt illogical inclination or whim.
(w) (1561-1626)
a prince of a pleasant humour
(w) (1564-1616)
I like not the humour of lying.
(w) (1633?-1684)
Examine how your humour is inclined, / And which the ruling passion of your mind.
(w) (1634–1716)
Is my friend all perfection, all virtue and discretion? Has he not humours to be endured?
puhekieltä Any of the fluids in an animal body, especially the four "cardinal humours" of blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm that were believed to control the health and mood of the human body.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), Book I, New York 2001,page 147:
A humour is a liquid or fluent part of the body, comprehended in it, for the preservation of it; and is either innate or born with us, or adventitious and acquisite.
1763, (w), History of Louisisana (PG), (tr. 1774)page 42:
For some days a fistula lacrymalis had come into my left eye, which discharged an humour, when pressed, that portended danger.
puhekieltä Either of the two regions of liquid within the eyeball, the aqueous humour and vitreous humour.
puhekieltä moist Moist vapour, moisture.
puhekieltä To pacify by indulge indulging.

I know you dont believe my story, but humour me for a minute and imagine it to be true.''

humor; comic effect in a communication or performance.
sense of humourEnglish humour
puhekieltä (alternative form of)


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