
Tarkoititko: house

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englanti One who, or that which, houses.
2003, Scott Leckie, National Perspectives on Housing Rights, page 150:
Federal aid for foster care - in effect a houser of last resort for children from troubled families - may also be legitimately described as an entitlement.
2007, Charles Clemons, Funky Shrooms and Other Exquisite Delights, page 21:
They thought they had busted a moonshiner or a houser of illegal aliens, but what was really below their feet was beyond their wildest imaginations!
2013, Philip McCallion, Housing for the Elderly: Policy and Practice Issues, page 230:
Social work and gerontological literature for the most part have omitted Haniet Tubman's role as a houser of the aged.
gander (gloss)


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laser, suurteholaser, košer, besserwisser

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