
Tarkoititko: hoonaus

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Liittyvät sanat: hoonata, hoonaus.


englanti puhekieltä A worthless person; a hooligan or lout. (defdate)
(quote-book)|year=1938|page=|oclc=220342066|passage='You flash hoon,' he went on, 'Kiddin' you're white, eh?(nb..).'
puhekieltä A pimp. (defdate)
2009, w:Adam Shand (journalist)|Adam Shand, The Skull: Informers, Hit Men and Australias Toughest Cop'', Melbourne: Black Inc., w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9781863954389 978-1-86395-438-9; republished Melbourne, Black Inc., 2010, w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9781863954822 978-1-86395-482-2, https://books.google.com/books?id=fLBaR8rAJEoC&pg=PA85&dq=%22hoons%22&hl=en&ei=gowNToyWCqmfmQWPm42oDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAgv=onepage&q=%22hoons%22&f=false page 85:
When the girls were sick, the hoons would beat the shit out of them and put them back on the street.
puhekieltä A person who drives excessively quickly, loudly or irresponsibly; a street drag racer often driving heavily customized cars. (defdate)
(quote-web)|date=30 July 2008|passage=Police have impounded an average of 10 cars a day since hoon laws were introduced by the State Government in June 2006. Hoon related offences include burnouts, doughnuts, drag racing, repeated driving while disqualified and high-level speeding. Offences are detailed in section 84C of the Road Safety Act 1986.
(quote-book) Predictably, this has produced a series of strategies among young people through which to counter the boredom and frustration they often experience. One of the more spectacular – and illegal – examples of this is "hooning" (a localized term for dangerous driving) by young males. (..) Hoons transform the quiet, often sleepy streets of neighborhoods on the Gold Coast into playscapes of their own. (..) Equally salient in the context of the present discussion is the random night-time appropriation by hoons of particular streets and neighborhoods on the Gold Coast in which to enact the collective rituals that give the hoon culture both internal cohesion and local notoriety.
puhekieltä To act loutishly; specifically, to drive excessively quickly, loudly or irresponsibly.
(quote-journal) you've hooned off – it's fair to say hooned off – at quite a high speed.
(quote-book)|year=2012|page=|isbn=978-0-415-67236-8|passage=Cruising, hooning and street machining all involve the social use of public space where young people can exert agency by independently engaging with their surroundings. Young people use public space to meet their needs, and not always in the way a specific space was designed for. One example is that an industrial area may be used as a prime site for hooning and street racers to congregate because it is less frequently under the gaze of authorities.
To make a hootVerb hooting or howlVerb howling sound.
1910, (w), “w:Carnacki"The Whistling Room"|The Whistling Room”, in w:The Idler (1892–1911)|The Idler: An Illustrated Monthly Magazinehttps://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Whistling_Room, London: (w), (w) http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/34617117 34617117, page 606; republished in w:Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder|Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, London: Eveleigh Nash, 1913, (w) http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/13117415 13117415:
All this time, every night, and sometimes most of each night, the hooning whistling of the Room was intolerable. It was as if an intelligence there knew that steps were being taken against it, and piped and hooned in a sort of mad, mocking contempt.
(quote-book)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=w:Holt McDougal|Holt, Rinehart and Winston|year=1966|page=278|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=G1dbAAAAMAAJ&q=hooning+of+nameless+birds&dq=hooning+of+nameless+birds&hl=en&sa=X|oclc=1377850|passage=Black flashing storms, the lowings and bellowings of the old sanded forest, the whistling and hooning of nameless birds, the lonesome moons, the weird fifteen-foot stone dwellers of the Old Priory, soft grassy slopes on which lovers lay, (..)
(quote-book)|year=2012|page=|isbn=978-0-7322-8126-7|passage=Zeven let loose a hooning howl of approval.
puhekieltä A unit of weight (about 0.378125 of a gram, or 0.0133 of an ounce) used to measure opium in British-controlled parts of Asia; a candareen.
(quote-journal) at 5 pice per hoon, equal to 8000 Spanish dollars per chest, and on the opposite or w:Kedah Queda shore the hoon is sold at 6 pice or 9,600 dollars, (..)
(quote-book)|year=1860|volume=II|page=553|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=XpVFAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA553|oclc=557379855|passage=Examined thirty-one men. Their average consumption was six hoons. The greatest daily consumption by one man was fifteen hoons; the smallest, two. The average number of years they had been addicted to the smoking of opium was seven years and some odd months.
(quote-book)|year=1999|page=x|isbn=978-0-415-19918-6|passage=Chinese Catty = 1.33 lb (605 g) / = 16 Tahil (liang or tael). / 1 Tahil = 10 Chee (chandu measures) / = 100 Hoon (fen).
puhekieltä A pagoda, a type of gold coin.
mockery, sneering
scorn, derision


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