


  1. slangi reikä



  1. ilmareikä, hihanreikä, kädentie, kädenreikä, tapinreikä, napinreikä, napinläpi, upotus, upotusreikä, aukko, kolo.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







reikä A hollow place or cavity; an excavation; a pit; an opening in or through a solid body, a fabric, etc.; a perforation; a rent; a fissure.


(w), 2 (w) xii.9:
The priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid.
(w) (c.1564–1616)
the holes where eyes should be
(w) (1809-1892)
The blind walls were full of chinks and holes.
(RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)
Orion hit a rabbit once; but though sore wounded it got to the bury, and, struggling in, the arrow caught the side of the hole and was drawn out. Indeed, a nail filed sharp is not of much avail as an arrowhead; you must have it barbed, and that was a little beyond our skill.
An opening in a solid.
puhekieltä In games.
puhekieltä A subsurface standard-size hole, also called cup, hitting the ball into which is the object of play. Each hole, of which there are usually eighteen as the standard on a full course, is located on a prepared surface, called the green, of a particular type grass.
puhekieltä The part of a game in which a player attempts to hit the ball into one of the holes.
puhekieltä The rear portion of the defensive team between the shortstop and the third baseman.
puhekieltä A square on the board, with some positional significance, that a player does not, and cannot in future, control with a friendly pawn.
puhekieltä A card (also called a hole card) dealt face down thus unknown to all but its holder; the status in which such a card is.
In the game of fives, part of the floor of the court between the step and the pepperbox.
puhekieltä An excavation pit or trench.
puhekieltä A weakness, a flaw
2011, w:Fun (band)|Fun - (w)
But between the drinks and subtle things / The holes in my apologies, you know / (nowrap)
puhekieltä A container or receptacle.
puhekieltä In semiconductors, a lack of an electron in an occupied band behaving like a positively charged particle.
puhekieltä A security vulnerability in software which can be taken advantage of by an exploit.
puhekieltä An orifice, in particular the anus.
puhekieltä Sex, or a sex partner.

Are you going out to get your hole tonight?

puhekieltä solitary confinement|Solitary confinement, a high-security prison cell often used as punishment.
puhekieltä An undesirable place to live or visit; a hovel.
puhekieltä Difficulty, in particular, debt.
puhekieltä A chordless cycle in a graph.
puhekieltä To make holes in (an object or surface).
puhekieltä To destroy.
To go or get into a hole.


1799, Sporting Magazine (volume 13, page 49)
If the player holes the red ball, he scores three, and upon holing his adversary's ball, he gains two; and thus it frequently happens, that seven are got upon a single stroke, by caramboling and holing both balls.
puhekieltä To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in.

to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars

puhekieltä To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball or golf ball.
(en-simple past of)
(de-verb form of)
to relax, to enjoy oneself


  • reikä / aukko / kolo / naisen sukuelin : Tsengojen botnes oli buli hole.

  • holessi: reikä

  • holetsekki: reikä


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