

  1. karju, sika



  1. sika, siat, suku Sus, syöttökarju, possu, Sus scrofa, syöttöporsas, karitsa, vuona, nuori lammas, keritsemätön lammas, lammas.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



ahne henkilö



nuori lammas Any animal belonging to the Suidae family of mammals, especially the pig, the warthog, and the boar.
puhekieltä An adult swine (qualifier).
2005 April, Live Swine from Canada, Investigation No. 731-TA-1076 (Final), publication 3766, April 2005, U.S. International Trade Commission (ISBN 1457819899), page I-9:

Weanlings grow into feeder pigs, and feeder pigs grow into slaughter hogs. (..) Ultimately the end use for virtually all pigs and hogs is to be slaughtered for the production of pork and other products.
A greedy person; one who refuses to share.
puhekieltä A large motorcycle, particularly a w:Harley Davidson|Harley-Davidson.
puhekieltä A young sheep that has not been shear shorn.
puhekieltä A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.


A device for mixing and stirring the pulp from which paper is made.
puhekieltä A shilling coin; its value, 12 old pence.
1933, (w), (w), xxix
‘'ere|’Ere y'|y’are, the best rig out|rig-out you ever 'ad|’ad. A tosheroon half a crown for the coat, two 'og ’ogs for the trousers, one and a tanner for the boots, and a 'og|’og''' for the cap and scarf. That’s seven bob.’
1961, Eric Partridge, The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang
hog (plural pl hog). A shilling: originally orig. (circa ca 1670), cant c.; in century C.19–20, low slang s.
puhekieltä A tanner, a sixpence coin; its value.
hog (plural pl hog)... 2. In century C.18–early 19, occasionally occ. a sixpence: also cant c., whence the U.S. sense. probably Prob. from ex the figure of a hog on a small silver coin.
puhekieltä A half-crown coin; its value, 30 old pence.
hog (plural pl hog)... 3. A half-crown: circa ca 1860–1910.
puhekieltä To greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.
2000 DiCamillo, Kate Because of Winn-Dixie, Scholastic Inc., New York, Ch 15:
The ... air-conditioning unit didn't work very good, and there was only one fan; and from the minute me and Winn-Dixie got in the library, he hogged it all.

Hey! Quit hogging all the blankets.

puhekieltä To clip the mane of a horse, making it short and bristly.
puhekieltä To scrub with a hog, or scrubbing broom.
puhekieltä To cause the keel of a ship to arch upwards (the opposite of (m)).
puhekieltä A quahog (qualifier)


  • hogaa: huomata / ymmärtää / havaita / tuntea / keksiä : Hogasko mutsi et soffa oli veks … vein sen kaniin.

  • hogis: muisto

  • hoglaa: tajuta / ymmärtää


hog rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hot dog, smog

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Läheisiä sanoja

hobby, hodari, hoennainen, hoenta, hohde, hohdella

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