
Tarkoititko: hohde

Ehdota määritelmää


englanti enclosure Enclosure, court, dwelling, building, house.
1993 May, William, Trevor, Jakes Castle, in Harper's Magazine'':
Ulrike lived in a farm hof, and all around me were the dark blank fields punctuated by a few disparate lights.
2009, Chloe Aridjis, Book of Clouds (New York: Black Cat, 1st edition):
Like many old houses, this one had a front section, where I lived, and at the back an interior courtyard, the Hof, enclosed on all three sides by more apartments.
(sense) temple, sanctuary, hall.
1996 for each ten churches burned to ashes, one heathen hof is avenged Varg Vikernes, cited after Gardell, Gods of the Blood, 2003, p. 307.
2005 Asatruarfelagid lacks a central religious temple, or hof in Icelandic. Constructing a hof has been high on the members wish list for many years'' Michael Strmiska, Modern Paganism In World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, p. 170.
2006 A Hof dedicated to the worship of the Aesir and the Vanir idhavellihof.org

2007 ... is to acquire tribal lands, build a Hof and Hall heathengods.com

2011 ... organization located in the Twin Cities, recently purchased a building to be used as a Hof. pncminnesota.com

A Korean-style bar or pub.
{{quote-journal|2009|January 4|Adam B. Ellick|In Queens: A Melting Pot, and a Closed Book|New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/04/nyregion/thecity/04elli.html
(royal) court
court of law; short form of gerechtshof
court, yard
garden (in Flanders)
court, enclosed space
castle (gloss)
house, dwelling, hovel
court, hall, sanctuary
a hoof
temple, sanctuary
w:Völuspá Vǫluspá, verse 7, lines 3-4, in 1860, T. Möbius, Edda Sæmundar hins fróða: mit einem Anhang zum Theil bisher ungedruckter Gedichte. Leipzig, page https://archive.org/stream/eddasmundarhins00mbgoogpage/n23 2:
(..) þeir er hörg ok hof / hátimbruðu, (..)
(..) they who shrines and temples / high timbered, (..)
a hall, court;
w:Hymiskviða Hymiskviða, verse 33, lines 3-4, in 1860, T. Möbius, Edda Sæmundar hins fróða: mit einem Anhang zum Theil bisher ungedruckter Gedichte. Leipzig, page https://archive.org/stream/eddasmundarhins00mbgoogpage/n69 48:
(..) út or óru / ölkjól hofi. (..)
(..) forth from our house / the cauldron here. (..)
a royal court
dwelling, hovel, house
court, hall
royal court; (obsolete spelling of)
hoof; (obsolete spelling of)

Läheisiä sanoja

hobby, hodari, hoennainen, hoenta, hohde, hohdella

Ehdota määritelmää