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Katso myös: hockey



  1. kenttälaji.

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jääkiekko puhekieltä ice hockey|Ice hockey, a game on ice in which two teams of six players skate and try to score by shooting a puck into the opposing team's net, using their sticks.
puhekieltä field hockey|Field hockey, a team sport played on a pitch on solid ground where players have to hit a ball into a net using a hockey stick.
A variation of hockey, such as roller hockey, street hockey, or shinny.
puhekieltä faeces Faeces, excrement.
*1970, (w), Lightning Bug:

“I thought she'd just gone to pee but I reckon she must be making hockey too.”
*2014, Gwen Hunter, Bloodstone:
My anger surged back a pace. “Harry Boone is a lickspittle, butt kissing, hunk of horse hockey,” I said precisely.
puhekieltä (alt form)
1985, Keith Turner, Darts (page 22)
Small bars would tend to produce short hockeys; the tiny fishing pubs of Yarmouth gave rise to 6ft marks (..)
English hockey
puhekieltä ice hockey
puhekieltä (l)


  • "Ajassa 11:17 w:Olli Jokinen|Olli Jokinen ratkaisee w:HIFK hockey|ice|IFK:lle jääkiekon suomenmestaruuden vuosimallia yhdeksäntoistasataa yhdeksänkymmentäkahdeksan"

  • "hockey|ice is a momentum game. The puck didn't bounce our way."


hockey|ice rimmaa näiden kanssa:

soft ice

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