
Tarkoititko: hengata

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englanti puhekieltä near Near, close at hand, handy.
puhekieltä courteous Courteous, gracious.

Late 14th century: Oure Hoost þo spak, “A, sire, ye sholde be hende / And curteys, as a man of youre estaat” — Geoffrey Chaucer, ‘The Friar's Prologue’, Canterbury Tales (OUP 1988, p. 122)

14th century: And if he were so hende and so wis / Þat she ne myȝt al abate his pris, / Yit wolde she blame his worþynesse / Or by hir wordis make it lesse. — Geoffrey Chaucer, The Romaunt of the Rose (OUP 1988, p. 689-90)

puhekieltä objective case of hunDanish hun, meaning herEnglish her


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