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  1. painava, raskas, ilmaa raskaampi.

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ilmaa raskaampi puhekieltä weigh Weighing more than the volume of air which it displaces.
1914, w:Victor_Appleton Victor Appleton, Tom Swift And His Photo Telephone, ch 1,

And folks laughed at Santos Dumont, at the Wrights, and at all the other fellows, who said they could take a heavier-than-air machine, and skim above the clouds like a bird.
Of, pertaining to, or using an aircraft which weighs more than the volume of air it displaces.
1952, "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,822264,00.html Milestones," Time, 10 Mar.,
Died. John Thomas Moore, 65, who, on a windy day in December 1903, lent a hand putting a flying machine on a runway, was the last surviving witness to the Wright brothers' historic first heavier-than-air flight at Kitty Hawk.


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