

  1. teloittaja, pyöveli, mestaaja.

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pyöveli An executioner whose method of dispatching the condemned is decapitation.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), I.40:

And of those base-minded jesters or buffons, some have beene seene, that even at the point of death would never leave their jesting and scoffing. He whom the heads-man threw off from the Gallowes cried out, ‘Row the Gally,’ which was his ordinarie by-word.
1885, w:Gilbert and Sullivan|Gilbert & Sullivan, s:The_Mikado The Mikado
And made him Headsman, for we said, / "Who's next to be decapited / Cannot cut off another's head / Until he's cut his own off(nb..)"
puhekieltä A boy who was not strong enough to put on his own, and was thus assisted by a younger boy called a foal.


headsman rimmaa näiden kanssa:

self-made man, best man, hieman, ilman, stuntman

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