


  1. kantapaikka



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käydä usein


ahdistaa puhekieltä To inhabit, or visit frequently (most often used in reference to ghosts).

A couple of ghosts haunt the old, burnt-down house.

You wrong me, sir, thus still to haunt my house.
Jonathan Swift
those cares that haunt the court and town
Foul spirits haunt my resting place.
puhekieltä To make uneasy, restless.

The memory of his past failures haunted him.

puhekieltä To stalk, to follow

The policeman haunted him, following him everywhere.

puhekieltä To live habitually; to stay, to remain.
1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, John XI:
Jesus therfore walked no more openly amonge the iewes: butt went his waye thence vnto a countre ny to a wildernes into a cite called effraym, and there haunted with his disciples.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.x:
yonder in that wastefull wildernesse / Huge monsters haunt, and many dangers dwell (..)
puhekieltä To accustom; habituate; make accustomed to.
Haunt thyself to pity.
puhekieltä To practise; to devote oneself to.
Leave honest pleasure, and haunt no good pastime.
puhekieltä To persist in staying or visiting.
I've charged thee not to haunt about my doors.
A place at which one is regularly found; a hangout.
1868, w:Louisa May Alcott|Louisa May Alcott, "Kitty's Class Day":
Both Jack and Fletcher had graduated the year before, but still took an interest in their old haunts, and patronized the fellows who were not yet through.
1984, Timothy Loughran and Natalie Angier, "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,955334,00.html Science: Striking It Rich in Wyoming," Time, 8 Oct.:
Wyoming has been a favorite haunt of paleontologists for the past century ever since westering pioneers reported that many vertebrate fossils were almost lying on the ground.
puhekieltä A ghost.
1891, Mary Noailles Murfree, In the "Stranger Peoples" Country'', Nebraska 2005, page 93:
‘Harnts don't wander much ginerally,’ he said. ‘They hand round thar own buryin'-groun' mainly.’
A feeding place for animals.Oxford English Dictionary, second edition (1989)


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