


  1. vaakasuora ovi lattiassa tai katossa, luukku

  2. luukkumainen ovi

  3. tarjoiluun käytettävä ikkunan kaltainen aukko väliseinässä

  4. ilma- ja avaruusaluksissa sekä suurissa mekaanisissa laitteissa lähinnä henkilökunnan käytössä oleva pieni apuovi

  5. laivan tai sukellusveneen kansien välinen kapea käytävä

  6. kalapato

  7. tulvaportti

  8. kaivoskuilun sisäänkäyntiaukko

  9. kuvataide|k=en varjostus maalaus- tai piirustustaiteessa

  10. typografia|k=en fontin varjostus

  11. skotlanninenglantia|k=en sängyn runko

  12. slangia|k=en ihmisen tai eläimen kurkku

Esimerkkejä hatch sanan käytöstä:

Cheers! Down the hatch!



  1. rahtiluukku, luukku, liukuportti, varjostus, varjostus ristiviivoin, haudonta, hautominen, synnytys, synnyttäminen.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä







haudonta A horizontal door in a floor or ceiling.
A trapdoor.
An opening in a wall at window height for the purpose of serving food or other items. A pass_throughNoun pass through.

The cook passed the dishes through the serving hatch.

A small door in large mechanical structures and vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft often provided for access for maintenance.
An opening through the deck of a ship or submarine.
puhekieltä A gullet.
A frame or weir in a river, for catching fish.
A floodgate; a sluice gate.


puhekieltä A bedstead.
puhekieltä An opening into, or in search of, a mine.
puhekieltä To close with a hatch or hatches.
'Twere not amiss to keep our door hatched.
puhekieltä (of young animals) To emerge from an egg.
puhekieltä (of eggs) To break open when a young animal emerges from it.
puhekieltä To incubate eggs; to cause to hatch.
puhekieltä To devise.

to hatch a plan or a plot; to hatch mischief or heresy

The act of hatching.
Development; disclosure; discovery.
1603, William Shakespeare, Hamlet,
There's something in his soul,
O'er which his melancholy sits on brood;
I do doubt the hatch and the disclose
Will be some danger:
puhekieltä A group of birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time.

These pullets are from an April hatch.

puhekieltä The phenomenon, lasting 1–2 days, of large clouds of mayfly mayflies appearing in one location to mate, having reached maturity.
(ante) Edward R. Hewitt, quoted in 1947, Charles K. Fox, Redistribution of the Green Drake, 1997, Norm Shires, Jim Gilford (editors), Limestone Legends, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=8Vvklbk0K1UC&pg=PA104&dq=%22mayfly+hatch%22%7C%22mayfly+hatches%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vzSsUoDkH8amkAXdw4GABw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22mayfly%20hatch%22%7C%22mayfly%20hatches%22&f=false page 104,
The Willowemoc above Livington Manor had the largest mayfly hatch I ever knew about fifty years ago.
2004, Ed Engle, Fishing Small Flies, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=Sc5b5Cw-HncC&pg=PA118-IA1&dq=%22mayfly+hatch%22%7C%22mayfly+hatches%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vzSsUoDkH8amkAXdw4GABw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22mayfly%20hatch%22%7C%22mayfly%20hatches%22&f=false page 118,
The major application of the parachute is for mayfly hatches, but it's also useful for midge hatches.
2007, John Shewey, On the Fly Guide to the Northwest, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=6Y-fotilv5UC&pg=PA70&dq=%22mayfly+hatch%22%7C%22mayfly+hatches%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vzSsUoDkH8amkAXdw4GABw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22mayfly%20hatch%22%7C%22mayfly%20hatches%22&f=false page 70,
Many years the mayfly hatch begins by the time the lake opens in April. Otherwise, expect strong hatches by mid-May. The hatches continue through midsummer.
puhekieltä A birth, the birth records (in the newspaper) — compare the phrase "hatched, matched, and dispatched."
puhekieltä To shade an area of (a drawing, diagram, etc.) with fine parallel lines, or with lines which cross each other (cross-hatch).
Those hatching strokes of the pencil.
Shall win this sword, silvered and hatched.
puhekieltä To cross; to spot; to stain; to steep.
Beaumont and Fletcher
His weapon hatched in blood.


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