


  1. riippumatto



  1. sänky, vuode, peti, riippumatto, verkkokeinu, muurahaiskeko, muurahaispesä, kukkula, kumpu, mäki, mäennyppylä, kumpare, nyppylä, mätäs, myyränmätäs.

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riippumatto A swinging couch or bed, usually made of netting or canvas about six feet wide, suspended by clews or cords at the ends.
1638 Herbert, Sir Thomas Some years travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique

...the poore ſaylers, who...commonly get forthwith into their beds (or hamackoes) reſting their tyred bodies...
puhekieltä A piece of land thickly wooded, and usually covered with bushes and vines.
(lbl) to lie in a hammock
1901, (w), https://books.google.com/books?id=QPMJAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA113&dq=hammocked&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAzgoahUKEwjUrpHe-JfIAhUEMogKHZyvAzUv=onepage&q=hammocked&f=false The American Diary of a Japanese Girl (w)
"I fancied that we — I and who? — hammocked among the summer breezes."
(lbl) (of a cloth) to hang in a way that resembles a hammock
2013, (w), ‎Patricia Rice, ‎(w), https://books.google.com/books?id=WTKhAQAAQBAJ&pg=PT30&dq=%22she+hammocked%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CC0Q6AEwA2oVChMI77C9n-KXyAIVASmICh2qLgHnv=onepage&q=%22she%20hammocked%22&f=false Christmas Roses: Love Blooms in Winter
"She hammocked their plaids between the table and the bed, then edged her way past Kenneth as she approached the central hearth."
(lbl) to make something be wrapped tight, like in a hammock
1960, (w), https://books.google.com/books?id=uR7IAwAAQBAJ&pg=PT115&dq=%22she+hammocked%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAWoVChMIhNf1r_KXyAIVCZSICh2Biwzov=onepage&q=%22she%20hammocked%22&f=false The Only Girl in the Game
"She hammocked her breasts into her bra, snapped it, hitched at it, and gave herself a profile glance in the mirror."


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