

halva A confection usually made from crushed sesame seeds and honey. It is a traditional dessert in India, the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and the Middle East.
2016 January 26, "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/opinion/when-made-in-israel-is-a-human-rights-abuse.html When ‘Made In Israel’ Is a Human Rights Abuse," The New York Times (retrieved 26 January 2016):

Just before Christmas, Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, sent the White House a box of holiday gifts with a pointed political message. Inside were items (body lotion, halvah, olive oil) produced in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
English halva
(et-nom form of)


(inflection of)
a half


  • halttis: halvaus

  • halva: puolikas

  • halvalla, panee: huijata / saattaa naurunalaiseksi : Mä panin meidän opee ihan halvalla.

  • halvatti: lievä voimasana

  • slaaki: halvaus


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