


  1. syyllisyys

Esimerkkejä guilt sanan käytöstä:

sense of guilt



  1. omantunnon pistos, tunnonvaiva, itsesyytös, huono omatunto, katumus, syyllisyys, syyllinen omatunto, syyllisyydentunteet, syyllisyydentunne, pelastuneen syyllisyys, olosuhteet, tila, moitittavuus, culpa-vastuu, tuottamusvastuu, syyllinen verenvuodatukseen.

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syyllisyys responsibility Responsibility for wrongdoing.
Awareness, feeling of having done wrong; remorse.
The fact of having done wrong.
puhekieltä The state of having been found guilty or admitted guilt in legal proceedings.
puhekieltä To commit offenses; act criminally.
puhekieltä To cause someone to feel guilt, particularly in order to influence their behaviour.

He didnt want to do it, but his wife guilted him into it.''

1988, w:John Bradshaw (author)|John Bradshaw, Healing the shame that binds you,
Shame based parents would have guilted him for expressing anger.
1992, w:Melody Beattie|Melody Beattie, Codependent No More: how to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself,
We don't have to be manipulated, guilted, coerced, or forced into anything.
1995, w:Nora Roberts|Nora Roberts, True Betrayals,
But I won't be threatened or bribed or guilted into giving up something that's important to me.

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