


  1. kivipöly, metallipöly tms. hiukkaset

  2. sora, hiekka

  3. geologia|k=en gritstone: kova, karkearakeinen hiekkakivi

  4. hiomapaperin karkeus

  5. sisu, peräänantamattomuus

Esimerkkejä grit sanan käytöstä:

'grit' of sand in the eye

'Grit' is put on roads and walkways in winter to make them less slippery.

'Grit' is passion and perseverance for long-term goals.

Talent is nothing if you lack 'grit'.

He is wet! Lacking 'grit'!

Liittyvät sanat: grits



  1. mielenlujuus, lujuus, luonteenlujuus, sisukkuus, sisu, into, tarmo, tarmokkuus, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, karkearakeinen hiekkakivi, hiekkakivi, päällystää, pinnoittaa, kirskuttaa, narskuttaa, narskutella, puristaa lujasti yhteen, hiekoittaa, peittää purulla.

Lisää synonyymejää



peittää purulla


karkearakeinen hiekkakivi

narskutella, kirskuttaa A collection of hard small materials, such as dirt, groundAdjective ground stone, debris from sandblasting or other such grinding, or swarf from metalworking.


Sand or a sand–salt mixture spread on wet and, especially, icy roads and footpaths to improve traction.
inedible Inedible particles in food.
A measure of the relative coarseness of an abrasive material such as sandpaper, the smaller the number the coarser the abrasive.
puhekieltä A hard, coarse-grained siliceous sandstone; gritstone. Also, a finer sharp-grained sandstone, e.g., grindstone grit.
strength Strength of mind; great courage or fearlessness; fortitude.
(quote-journal)|date=15 April 2015|passage=But what their admirers call grit and critics deem shamelessness can overshadow another essential element of the Clinton school: a willingness to put on the hair shirt of humility to regain power.


Apparently only in (l): to clench, particularly in reaction to pain or anger.
To cover with grit.
To give forth a grating sound, like sand under the feet; to grate; to grind.
The sanded floor that grits beneath the tread.
puhekieltä husk Husked but unground oat oats.
puhekieltä Coarsely ground corn or hominy used as porridge.


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paarit, dongarit, tekarit, uikkarit, penkkarit, kokkarit, sammarit, simmarit, kummarit, farmarit

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