


  1. nurina, valitus, marina tai sellaisen aihe

  2. (monikossa) mahanpurut, vatsanpurut, koliikki

  3. vanhentunut|k=en ote; kahva, kädensija

Esimerkkejä gripe sanan käytöstä:

His lyrics expressed their gripes and anxieties.

Liittyvät sanat: whine



  1. vastaväite, marina, valituksen aihe, valitus, kiukuttelu, ruikutus, valittaa, purnata, nurkua, mekastaa, marista, murista, nurista, ruikuttaa, mukista, narista, motkottaa, jupista.

Lisää synonyymejää



marina, valituksen aihe, valitus

ruikuttaa puhekieltä To make a grab (to, towards, at or upon something).
puhekieltä To seize, grasp.
Robynson (More's Utopia)

Wouldst thou gripe both gain and pleasure?
puhekieltä To complain; to whine.
To suffer griping pains.


puhekieltä To tend to come up into the wind, as a ship which, when sailing close-hauled, requires constant labour at the helm.
puhekieltä To pinch; to distress. Specifically, to cause pinching and spasmodic pain to the bowels of, as by the effects of certain purgative or indigestible substances.
How inly sorrow gripes his soul.
A complaint; a petty concern.
puhekieltä A wire rope, often used on davits and other life raft launching systems.
puhekieltä grasp; clutch; grip
William Shakespeare
A barren sceptre in my gripe.
Mary Shelley, The Mortal Immortal
I started — I dropped the glass — the fluid flamed and glanced along the floor, while I felt Cornelius's gripe at my throat, as he shrieked aloud, "Wretch! you have destroyed the labour of my life!"
puhekieltä That which is grasped; a handle; a grip.

the gripe of a sword

puhekieltä A device for grasping or holding anything; a brake to stop a wheel.
oppression Oppression; cruel exaction; affliction; pinching distress.


1785, (w), “The Garden”, in w:The Task (poem)|The Task, a Poem, in Six Books. By William Cowper ... To which are Added, by the Same Author, An Epistle to Joseph Hill, Esq. Tirocinium, or a Review of Schools, and The History of John Gilpin, London: Printed for w:Joseph Johnson (publisher)|Joseph Johnson, No. 72 w:St Paul's Cathedral|St. Paul's Church-Yard, (w) 221351486; republished as The Task. A Poem. In Six Books. To which is Added, Tirocinium: or, A Review of Schools, new edition, Philadelphia, Pa.: Printed for w:Thomas Dobson (printer)|Thomas Dobson, bookseller, in Second-street, second door above w:Chestnut Street (Philadelphia)|Chestnut-street, 1787, (w) 23630717, page 87:
'Tis the cruel gripe, / That lean hard-handed poverty inflicts, / The hope of better things, the chance to win, / The wiſh to ſhine, the thirſt to be amus'd, / That at the found of Winter's hoary wing, / Unpeople all our counties, of ſuch herds, / Of flutt'ring, loit'ring, cringing, begging, looſe, / And wanton vagrants, as make London, vaſt / And boundless as it is, a crowded coop.
puhekieltä Pinching and spasmodic pain in the intestines.
puhekieltä The piece of timber that terminates the keel at the fore end; the forefoot.
puhekieltä The compass or sharpness of a ship's stern under the water, having a tendency to make her keep a good wind.
puhekieltä An assemblage of ropes, dead-eyes, and hocks, fastened to ringbolts in the deck, to secure the boats when hoisted.
puhekieltä A vulture, Gyps fulvus; the griffin.
Like a white hind under the 'gripes''' sharp claws.
puhekieltä to grab, seize
to (l), (l), (l)
to seize (grab, capture).
to seize (take advantage of an opportunity).
gripe inn - to (l)
(alternative form of)
grip, clutch, grasp
(inflection of)
The flu, influenza.
puhekieltä The flu, influenza.


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