


  1. ote

  2. kädensija, l|fi|kourain

  3. vanhentunut|k=en vaiht-kirj|en|grippe



  1. hiussolki, hiusneula, hiuspinni, vaikutusvalta, kosketus, käsitys, ymmärrys, taju, imaiseva ote, lonkero, kitka, pito, pitävyys.

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hiussolki puhekieltä To take hold of, particularly with the hand.


puhekieltä To help or assist, particularly in an emotional sense.
1898, (w), (w) Chapter 4
By and by fumes of brandy began to fill the air, and climb to where I lay, overcoming the mouldy smell of decayed wood and the dampness of the green walls. It may have been that these fumes mounted to my head, and gave me courage not my own, but so it was that I lost something of the stifling fear that had gripped me, and could listen with more ease to what was going forward
puhekieltä To do something with another that makes you happy/gives you relief.
To trench; to drain.
A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand.
A handle or other place to grip.
puhekieltä A visual component on a window etc. enabling it to be resized and/or moved.
(qualifier) A person responsible for handling equipment on the set.
A channel cut through a grass verge (especially for the purpose of draining water away from the highway).
puhekieltä A lot of something.
(archaic spelling of): influenza Influenza, flu.
puhekieltä A small travelling-bag or gripsack.
An apparatus attached to a car for clutching a traction cable.
assistance Assistance; help or encouragement. (rfe)
A helpful, interesting, admirable, or inspiring person.
puhekieltä As much as one can hold in a hand; a handful.
puhekieltä A tenacious grasp; a holding fast.
A device for grasping or holding fast to something.
puhekieltä A small ditch or trench; a channel to carry off water or other liquid; a drain.


puhekieltä The griffin.
The flu, influenza
flu (gloss)
hold (gloss)
influenza, flu
(is-inflection of)
puhekieltä influenza, flu
(imperative of)
(nn-verb-form of)
puhekieltä flu, influenza, grippe


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hip, piip, VIP

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