


  1. jyvä

  2. (ainesana) vilja

  3. rae, jyvänen

  4. hiukkanen, hitunen

  5. puun tai muun materiaalin pintakuvio, tekstuuri, rakeisuus

  6. (materiaalitiede) rae

  7. martiopuoli

  8. graani

Liittyvät sanat: graine



  1. pienuus, hitunen, hiukkanen, hiven, elintarvike, ruokatavara, jyvä, ruokavilja, vilja, jauhettava vilja, syömävilja, rouhe.

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tulla rakeiseksi




nahan karvaton puoli puhekieltä The harvested seeds of various grass food crops eg: wheat, corn, barley.

We stored a thousand tons of grain for the winter.

puhekieltä Similar seeds from any food crop, eg buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.
puhekieltä A single seed of grass food crops.

a grain of wheat

grains of oat

puhekieltä The crops from which grain is harvested.

The fields were planted with grain.

puhekieltä A linear texture of a material or surface.

Cut along the grain of the wood.

He doesnt like to shave against the grain.''

puhekieltä A single particle of a substance.

a grain of sand

a grain of salt

puhekieltä A very small unit of weight, in England equal to 1/480 of an ounce troy, 0.0648 grams or, to be more exact, 64.79891 milligrams (0.002285714 avoirdupois ounce). A carat grain or pearl grain is 1/4 carat or 50 milligrams. The old French grain was 1/9216 livre or 53.11 milligrams, and in the mesures usuelles permitted from 1812 to 1839, with the livre redefined as 500 grams, it was 54.25 milligrams.
puhekieltä A former unit of gold purity, also known as carat grain, equal to (frac) "carat" (karat).
puhekieltä A region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction.
A reddish dye made from the coccus insect, or kermes; hence, a red color of any tint or hue, as crimson, scarlet, etc.; sometimes used by the poets as equivalent to Tyrian purple.
all in a robe of darkest grain
Quoted by Coleridge, preface to Aids to Reflection
(..) doing as the dyers do, who, having first dipped their silks in colours of less value, then give them the last tincture of crimson in grain.
The hair side of a piece of leather, or the marking on that side.


puhekieltä The remains of grain, etc., after brewing or distillation; hence, any residuum. Also called draff.
puhekieltä A rounded prominence on the back of a sepal, as in the common dock.
Temper; natural disposition; inclination.
brothers (..) not united in grain


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