

  1. armo

  2. lisäaika

  3. suosio

  4. sulo

  5. viehkeys

  6. sulous

  7. (liiketalous) maksunlykkäys

  8. (mytologia) sulotar

  9. pöytärukous

Esimerkkejä grace sanan käytöstä:

to say grace



  1. hyväluontoisuus, sävyisyys, arvokkuus, hienostuneisuus, hyvätapaisuus, hyväntahtoisuus, suopeus, sopivaisuus, säädyllisyys, sopivuus, soveliaisuus, suosiollisuus, sirous, sulavaliikkeisyys, sulavuus, viehkeys, sulo, sulokkuus, sulous, koristaa seppeleellä, päällystää, kuorruttaa, peittää, koristella, kaunistaa, somistaa, komistaa.

Lisää synonyymejää







sulo puhekieltä elegant Elegant movement; poise or balance.


puhekieltä charming Charming, pleasing qualities.
1699, (w), Heads designed for an essay on conversations
Study gives strength to the mind; conversation, grace: the first apt to give stiffness, the other suppleness: one gives substance and form to the statue, the other polishes it.
I have formerly given the general character of Mr. Addison's style and manner as natural and unaffected, easy and polite, and full of those graces which a flowery imagination diffuses over writing.
puhekieltä Free and undeserved favour, especially of God. unmerited Unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification.
puhekieltä Divine assistance in resisting sin.
puhekieltä Short prayer of thanks before or after a meal.
puhekieltä An allowance of time granted for a debtor during which he is free of at least part of his normal obligations towards the creditor.
puhekieltä A special move in a solitaire or patience game that is normally against the rules.
puhekieltä To adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify.

He graced the room with his presence.

He graced the room by simply being there.

His portrait graced a landing on the stairway.

(rfdat) (w)
Great Jove and Phoebus graced his noble line.
We are graced with wreaths of victory.
puhekieltä To dignify or raise by an act of favour; to honour.
He might, at his pleasure, grace or disgrace whom he would in court.
puhekieltä To supply with heavenly grace.


puhekieltä To add grace notes, cadenzas, etc., to.
(l); favor
(l); gracefulness; elegance


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