

  1. hurme, veri (us. hyytynyt veri)

  2. kauhuelokuvan raaka, verinen laji

Liittyvät sanat: dolje



  1. murha, tappo, teloitus, verenvuodatus, verilöyly, hurme, veri, kiila, kapeneva kaistale, kolmiomainen kaistale, kangaspala, pala kangasta.

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hurme, veri

leikata kaistaleiksi


pistää puhekieltä dirt Dirt; mud; filth.


(senseid)blood Blood, especially that from a wound when thickened due to exposure to the air.
murder Murder, bloodshed, violence.
puhekieltä To pierce with the horns.

The bull gored the matador.

A triangular piece of land where roads meet.
A triangular or rhomboid piece of fabric, especially one forming part of a three-dimensional surface such as a sail, skirt, hot-air balloon, etc.(w)
(RQ:Chrsty Atbgrfy)
Mind you, clothes were clothes in those days. …  Frills, ruffles, flounces, lace, complicated seams and gores: not only did they sweep the ground and have to be held up in one hand elegantly as you walked along, but they had little capes or coats or feather boas.
An elastic gusset for providing a snug fit in a shoe.
A projecting point.
puhekieltä One of the abatements, made of two curved lines, meeting in an acute angle in the fesse point.
To cut in a triangular form.
To provide with a gore.

to gore an apron

(inflection of)
up, above


"Hän oli mies jolla oli kaikki koiran luonteenpiirteet – uskollisuutta lukuun ottamatta (gore Vidal)."


gore rimmaa näiden kanssa:

folklore, poplore, pore, ex tempore, kuore, tuore, uunituore, painotuore, paahtotuore, teurastuore

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