

  1. gongi

Katso myös: gongi



  1. tornikellopeli, kellot, kello, kumistin, tam-tam, tamtam, käsikello, lyömäsoitin, soittaa, kumahtaa, lyödä kumistinta.

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Liittyvät sanat: gonggongi, gongi.



lyödä kumistinta, kumahtaa


kumistin puhekieltä A percussion instrument consisting of a metal disk that emits a sonorous sound when struck with a soft hammer.
puhekieltä A medal or award.
puhekieltä To make the sound of a gong; to ring a gong.
1903, H. G. Wells, The Truth About Pyecraft

Poor old Pyecraft! He has just gonged, no doubt to order another buttered tea-cake!
puhekieltä To halt or disqualify (a contestant in a talent show) by ringing a gong.
1996, Stephanie Holt, ‎Maryanne Lynch, Motherlode
As she was gonged, host Daryl Somers swept rapidly across and salvaged an embarrassing situation by putting his arm around her and asking her whether she had children.
puhekieltä An outhouse: an outbuilding used as a lavatory.
(c.) Aelfric, Homilies, Vol. I, p. 290:
Þaða he to gong gange come com.
(c.) The Lay Folks Mass Book, Appendix iii, p. 125:
I acknowledge knoweleche to thee the that there ther is nys no gong goonge more stinking stynkynge than thenne my soule is.
(a.) Robert Fabyan, New Cronycles of Englande and of Fraunce, Vol. II, p. xxxii:
The Jew Iewe of Tewksbury Tewkysbury which fell into a gong Gonge upon vpon the Saturday Satyrday.
(a.), George Gascoigne, Grief of Joye, Vol. II, § lxii:
A stately toy Toye, a precious preciows piece peece of pelf pellfe,A gorgeous gong, a worthless worthles painted wall...
puhekieltä The contents of an outhouse pit: shit.
gong, disc-shaped metal percussion instrument
a large gong
sound of a gong
(nonstandard spelling of)
puhekieltä a (l) (qualifier)

Kor mange gonger hende det?

How many times did it happen?



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mahjong, pingpong

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