


  1. (asian) ydin, olennainen sisältö

Esimerkkejä gist sanan käytöstä:

Thats the 'gist' of it!

I dont have the direct quote at hand but the 'gist' of it is ...

Liittyvät sanat: quintessence



  1. sisältö, kognitiivinen sisältö, henkinen sisältö, ydin, olemus, keskipiste, keskiö, perusolemus, pääkohta, sydän, keskusta, pääosa, tärkeä piirre, kehikko, kehys, puitteet, raami, runko, hypostaasi, olennaisin osa.

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pääkohta The most essential part; the main idea or substance (of a longer or more complicated matter); the crux of a matter; the pith.
1948, w:Carl Sandburg|Carl Sandburg, Remembrance Rock, page 103,

"Should they live and build their church in the American wilderness, their worst dangers would rise in and among themselves rather than outside. That was the gist of the lesson from their pastor and "wellwiller" John Robinson."
(RQ:Wodehouse Offing)
1996, Nicky Silver, Etiquette and Vitriol, Theatre Communications Group 1996, p. 10:
I was really just vomiting images like spoiled sushi (that may be an ill-considered metaphor, but you get my gist).
2003, David McDuff, translating Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, Penguin 2003 p. 183:
I don't remember his exact words, but the gist of it was that he wanted it all for nothing, as quickly as possible, without any effort.
puhekieltä The essential ground for action in a suit, without which there is no cause of action.
puhekieltä Resting place (especially of animals), lodging.
1601, (w)'s translation of (w), 1st ed., book X, chapter XXIII “Of Swallowes, Ousles, or Merles, Thrushes, Stares or Sterlings, Turtles, and Stockdoves.”, p. 282:
These Quailes have their set gists, to wit, ordinarie resting and baiting places. These quails have their set gists, to wit, ordinary resting and baiting places.
To summarize, to extract and present the most important parts of.
1873, Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Educational Association, session of the year 1872, at Boston, Massachusetts, page 201:
There are two general ways of getting information, and these two general ways may be summed up in this: take one branch of study and its principles are all gisted, they have been gisted by the accumulated thought of years gone by. These gisted thoughts are axioms, or received principles, (..)
(nl-verb form of)
(inflection of)


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poltergeist, twist, kuminauhatwist

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