
Tarkoititko: geysir

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englanti puhekieltä very Very. (defdate)
1816, Sir Walter Scott, The Antiquary, Oxford University Press, 2002, p.207:
I am nae believer in auld wives' stories about ghaists, though this is gey like a place for them - But mortal, or of the other world, here they come! - twa men and a light.
2001, David Thomson, The People of the Sea: Celtic Tales of the Seal-folk,Canongate Books, p.213:
But I'll put a gold chain around his neck, An' a gey good chain it'll be.
puhekieltä Fairly good; considerable. (defdate)
1932, (w), Sunset Song, Polygon 2006 (A Scots Quair), p. 16:
They were married next New Year's Day, and Ellison had begun to think himself a gey man in Kinraddie, and maybe one of the gentry.
veryEnglish Very.
quiteEnglish Quite.
A gay, a homosexual male.


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