

  1. kukka, Katkerokasvit, heimo Katkerokasvit, katkerokasvien heimo, katkero, alppikatkero, Gentiana acaulis, Gentiana andrewsii, Gentiana calycosa.

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katkero Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae found in temperate and mountainous regions with violet or blue flowers.
1956, w:Delano Ames|Delano Ames, Crime out of Mind, , chapter 1:

On the cover of the leaflet advertising the Alpenrose Gasthof in Zirl am Gurgl (..) there is a decorative picture of a young woman. (..) She has bright flaxen hair and laughing eyes of the same hue as the gentians in the meadow beyond the inn.
The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian, (taxlink), used as a tonic.


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liian, ainian, pian, morsian

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