
Tarkoititko: geisir

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englanti ghost Ghost, apparition.
1877, The spiritual magazine:
The geists eat and drink, but only as geists — not as spirits. ' We have dined,' they say ' sumptuously.' A vapour- ... If dead men tell no tales, their geists will tell them, if they find opportunity.
{{quote-book|year=1881|author=M.T.W.|title=Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories|year_published=2005|edition=reprint|url=|publisher=Project Gutenberg|rfc=true
1996, Stephen Barker, Excavations and Their Objects:
... it makes no difference whether these figures were real, corporeal beings or not, since each one, in terms of Freud's (auto) aesthetic, is a spirit, a geist, a complex function of Freud's worldview.
spirit Spirit (of a group, age, era{{, etc).
{{quote-book|year=1974|author=V. Jagannatha Panicker|title=Crucifixion of the Unborn: Underpopulated India|year_published=2008|edition=Digitized|url=|publisher=Sivaji Publications|page=54|rfc=true
{{quote-book|year=1976|title=Colorado lawyer - Volume 5|url=|genre=Law|publisher=Colorado Bar Association|page=1640
1995, Donald Pizer, The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism:
... a term badly applied, as the method is neither a historicism (the belief that each era or period has a geist, principle of identity, or a definable sense of destiny) nor new.
{{quote-journal|date=October 13, 2009|author=Adam Curtis, Lee Ravitz (comment)|title=Kabul: City Number One - Part 3|work=BBC|url=|rfc=true
ranska esprit frappeur (m), poltergeist (m)
saksa Poltergeist (m), Klopfgeist (m)
italia poltergeist (m)
puola poltergeist
venäjä полтерге́йст (m) = poltɛrgéjst
ruotsi poltergeist


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