


  1. ääntämyksen mukainen kirjoitusasu| g, G



  1. voiman yksikkö, g, painovoimavakio, g-voima, käskeä hevosta kääntymään oikealle, hihkua, huudahtaa, parahtaa, huutaa, parkaista, älähtää, parkua, kääntyä, kääntyä oikealle.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: geeli, geeni, geenikartta, geenimuokattu, geenimutaatio, geenipankki.



kääntyä oikealle


käskeä hevosta kääntymään oikealle A general exclamation of surprise or frustration.

Gee, I didnt know that!''

Gee, this is swell fun!

Of a horse, pack animal, etc.: to moveVerb move forward; go faster; or turnVerb turn in a direction away from the driver, typically to the right.


puhekieltä To agree; to harmonize.


1968, Rex Stout, (w)
I did use a few of the items, in Elinor's handwriting, to check the writing on the letter that was in the box with the money. It geed.
A gee-gee, a horse.
1879, w:W. S. Gilbert|W. S. Gilbert and w:Arthur Sullivan|Arthur Sullivan, s:Pirates of Penzance|Pirates of Penzance, Act I:
You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.
(non-gloss definition)

One branch of English society drops its initial aitches, and another branch ignores its terminal gees.

puhekieltä (abbreviation of); a thousand dollars.

ten gees

puhekieltä (abbreviation of); the unit of acceleration equal to that exerted by gravity at the earth's surface.
puhekieltä A guy.
1939, (w), The Big Sleep, Penguin 2011, p. 197:
Just off the highway there's a small garage and paint-shop run by a gee named Art Huck.
puhekieltä vagina, vulva The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English p. 850, Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor. Routledge, 2006. ISBN 0-415-25937-1.
1987, (w), (w), King Farouk, Dublin:
The brassers, yeh know wha' I mean. The gee. Is tha' why?
1991, (w), (w), p. 65. Secker & Warburg (ISBN 0-436-20052-X):
But he'd had to keep feeling them up and down from her knees up to her gee after she'd said that....
1992, (w), (w), p. 71. John Calder (ISBN 978-0714542133):
Lily Neary has a lovely gee and her pore Paddy got his B.A. and by the holy fly I wouldn't recommend you to ask me what class of a tree they were under when he put his hand on her and enjoyed that.
1995, (w), (w), p. 7. Methuen (ISBN 978-0413699909):
And I thought, gee is certainly something that gobshite knows all about.
to give
puhekieltä the unit of acceleration equal to that exerted by gravity


  • GeeBee: Gunnar Bärlund, amm nyrkkeilijä


gee rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bebee, frisbee, bidee, spondee, toffee, parfee, ateljee, pikee, trokee, bukee

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

gaullismi, gaullisti, gaullistinen, gay, geeli, geeni

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