


  1. en-v-taivm|g|ave|imp=give


englanti (en-simple past of)
c. 1471, An English Chronicle, 1377-1461:
there the erl of Dunbar becam his manne, and the kyng yaf him the Counte of Richemunde.
1591, (w), King Henry VI, part 1:
I gaue thee Life, and rescu'd thee from Death.
1815, (w), Emma:
The superior degree of confidence towards Harriet, which this one article marked, gave her severe pain.
2011, Bob Woffinden, (w), 31 Jul 2011:
With the Oxford canal at the bottom of his garden, regular canoeing excursions gave him enormous pleasure.
gift, present
gift (a talent or natural ability)
A gift, donation, present
A gift, talent
(nl-verb form of)
(nl-adj form of)
(inflection of)
a present or gift (gloss)
a gift (gloss)


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aave, agaave, haave, nuoruudenhaave, lemmenhaave, voitonhaave

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