

  1. reikä, aukko



  1. pyssy, ampuma-ase, pistooli, käsiase, sivuase, reikärauta, slangi, ammattikieli, erikoiskieli, murre, ammattislangi, jargon.

Lisää synonyymejää



pyssy, ampuma-ase puhekieltä A Gatling gun.
puhekieltä Any type of gun, usually a pistol.
1939, w:Raymond Chandler|Raymond Chandler, w:The Big Sleep|The Big Sleep.

You're the second guy I've met within hours who seems to think a gat in the hand means a world by the tail.
1988, w:N.W.A N.W.A, w:Straight Outta Compton (song)|Straight Outta Compton
Goin' off on a motherfucker like that
With a gat that's pointed at yo ass
puhekieltä To shoot someone with a pistol or other handheld firearm.
puhekieltä A guitar
puhekieltä (en-simple past of)

And Abraham gat up early in the morning (Genesis 1927)

(l); (l)


(l) or (l) area used as a (l) or (l) by (l)
puhekieltä (l); a (l) (l) (l), (l) or (l)
puhekieltä (l); (l)
puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä (l); (l); (l); (l); (l) of a (l)
the (l) of (l) or (l)
cat (gloss)
jack (gloss)
cat shark
A gap, hole
A godforsaken place, hamlet
puhekieltä An arsehole
puhekieltä A port
hole, perforation (gloss)


(cx) a gap in a fixed schedule, an unassigned time in the schedule, usually between classes; break, free period
(is-conjugation of)

Ég gat ekki stöðvað hana.

I couldn't stop her.

(jbo-rafsi of)
(l), embankment
A cat


gat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tangat, nougat

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