


  1. halukas, valmis johonkin

  2. taistelutahtoinen, sisukas

Esimerkkejä game sanan käytöstä:

: George and Harriet went to the stadium to see the (ball) game.

Im game for a try.

Game as Ned Kelly.



  1. huonokuntoinen, raajarikkoinen, ontuva, nilkku, rampa, peli, kisa, vierasottelu, vieraspeli, kilpailu.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: gameetti.







peli A playful or competitive activity.
A playful activity that may be unstructured; an amusement or pastime.


puhekieltä An activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment, often competitive or having an explicit goal.
1983, Lawrence Lasker, Walter F. Parkes, and Walon Green, (w), MGM/UA Entertainment Co.:
Joshua: Shall we play a game?
puhekieltä A particular instance of playing a game; match.
(RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)
“I'm through with all pawn-games,” I laughed. “Come, let us have a game of lansquenet. Either I will take a farewell fall out of you or you will have your sevenfold revenge”.
That which is gained, such as the stake in a game.
The number of points necessary to win a game.
puhekieltä In some games, a point awarded to the player whose cards add up to the largest sum.
puhekieltä The equipment that enables such activity, particularly as packaged under a title.
One's manner, style, or performance in playing a game.
1951, (w), (w), chapter 11:
I played golf with her that same afternoon. She lost eight balls, I remember. Eight. I had a terrible time getting her to at least open her eyes when she took a swing at the ball. I improved her game immensely, though.
puhekieltä A field of gainful activity, as an industry or profession.
puhekieltä Something that resembles a game with rules, despite not being designed.
(RQ:Shakespeare Henry 5)
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, straining upon the start. The game’s afoot!
“I'm through with all pawn-games,” I laughed. “Come, let us have a game of lansquenet. Either I will take a farewell fall out of you or you will have your sevenfold revenge”.
puhekieltä An exercise simulating warfare, whether computerized or involving human participants.
puhekieltä Wild animals hunted for food.
puhekieltä The ability to seduce someone, usually by strategy.
puhekieltä A questionable or unethical practice in pursuit of a goal; a scheme.
Your murderous game is nearly up.
(w) (1845-1933)
It was obviously Lord Macaulay's game to blacken the greatest literary champion of the cause he had set himself to attack.


  • "Hockey is a momentum game. The puck didn't bounce our way."

  • "Mun termi on: mental game"

  • "Capture of the adverse King is the ultimate but not the first object of the game."

  • "I'm going to gut you like a Cornish game hen. (Aion nylkeä sinut kuin kornikanan.)"


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