

  1. jännittävä, sähköinen, sähköistävä, piristävä.

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sähköistävä (l)
1871, (w), Pink and White Tyranny, ch. 22:

She was quivering like a galvanic battery with the suppressed force of some powerful emotion.
puhekieltä (l)
1862, (w), North America, ch. 6:
Whether the town existed during Mr. Tapley's time I have not been able to learn. . . . At that moment a galvanic motion had been pumped into it by the war movements of General Halleck.
1908, (w), Salthaven, ch. 19:
Then he clenched his fists, and, with an agility astonishing in a man of his years, indulged in a series of galvanic little hops in front of the astounded Peter Truefitt.
2014 April 4, Zachary Woolfe, " Music: How the Centuries Will Play Out," New York Times (retrieved 12 May 2014):
But the main event may well end up being the performance of Brahms’s galvanic Piano Concerto No. 1, with the exhilarating British pianist Paul Lewis.


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