

  1. fulminaatti, elohopeafulminaatti, räjähdyselohopea, suola, räjäyttää, laukaista, räjähtää, välähtää, ilmaantua, ilmestyä, kehittyä äkillisesti, arvostella ankarasti, arvostella, kritisoida, paasata, pauhata, vastustaa voimakkaasti, parjata, valittaa.

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pauhata, paasata



kehittyä äkillisesti puhekieltä To make a verbal attack.
puhekieltä To issue as a denunciation.
De Quincey

They fulminated the most hostile of all decrees.
puhekieltä To strike with lightning; to cause to explode.
2009, Thomas Pynchon, Inherent Vice, Vintage 2010, p. 235:
the present owners couldn't afford the electric bills anymore, several amateur gaffers, sad to say, having already been fulminated trying to bootleg power in off the municipal lines.
puhekieltä Any salt or ester of fulminic acid, mostly explosive.
1977, (w), A Savage War of Peace, New York Review Books 2006, p. 193:
On 19 February a jubilant Bigeard announced that his 3rd R.P.C. had seized eighty-seven bombs, seventy kilos of explosive, 5,120 fulminate of mercury detonators, 309 electric detonators, etc.
(inflection of)
(feminine plural of)


fulminate rimmaa näiden kanssa:

painate, taidepainate, kivipainate, offsetpainate

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