

  1. vapaus.

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koko, kokonainen

täynnä, kylläinen




huovuttaa, vanuttaa Containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available.


Complete; with nothing omitted.
{{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author= Catherine Clabby
Total, entire.
puhekieltä Having eaten to satisfaction, having a "full" stomach; replete.
Of a garment, of a size that is ample, wide, or having ample folds or pleats to be comfortable.
Having depth and body; rich.

a full singing voice

puhekieltä Having the mind filled with ideas; stocked with knowledge; stored with information.
Francis Bacon
Reading maketh a full man.
Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it.

Shes full of her latest project.''

John Locke
Everyone is full of the miracles done by cold baths on decayed and weak constitutions.
Filled with emotions.
The heart is so full that a drop overfills it.
puhekieltä Impregnated; made pregnant.
Ilia, the fair, (..) full of Mars.
puhekieltä Said of the three cards of the same rank in a full house.

Nines full of aces = three nines and two aces (999AA).

Ill beat him with my kings full! = three kings and two unspecified cards of the same rank''.

puhekieltä quite Quite; thoroughly; completely; exactly; entirely.
(w) (1564-1616)
master of a full poor cell
(w) (1672-1719)
full in the centre of the sacred wood
1819, (w), Otho the Great, Act IV, Scene I, verse 112
You know full well what makes me look so pale.
(rfdat) (w), William Blake, lines 9-12
This cupboard(..)/ this other one, / His true wife's charge, full oft to their abode / Yielded for daily bread the martyr's stone,
1874, w:James Thomson (B.V.)|James Thomson, (w), IX
It is full strange to him who hears and feels, / When wandering there in some deserted street, / The booming and the jar of ponderous wheels,(nb..)
(RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)
Serene, smiling, enigmatic, she faced him with no fear whatever showing in her dark eyes.(..)She put back a truant curl from her forehead where it had sought egress to the world, and looked him full in the face now,(nb..).
Utmost measure or extent; highest state or degree; the state, position, or moment of fullness; fill.
The swan's-down feather, / That stands upon the swell at full of tide.
Sicilian tortures and the brazen bull, / Are emblems, rather than express the full / Of what he feels.

I was fed to the full.

1911, Berthold Auerbach, Bayard Taylor, The villa on the Rhine:
(..) he had tasted their food, and found it so palatable that he had eaten his full before he knew it.
2008, Jay Cassell, The Gigantic Book Of Hunting Stories:
Early next morning we were over at the elk carcass, and, as we expected, found that the bear had eaten his full at it during the night.
2010, C. E. Morgan, All the Living: A Novel:
When he had eaten his full, they set to work again.
puhekieltä The phase of the moon when it is entire face is illuminated, full moon.
1765, Francis Bacon, The works of Francis Bacon:
It is like, that the brain of man waxeth moister and fuller upon the full of the moon: ...
1808, w:Joseph Hall (bishop)|Joseph Hall, w:Josiah Pratt|Josiah Pratt (editor), Works, Volume VII: Practical Works, Revised edition,,+the+Church,+hath+fulls+and+wanings,+and+sometimes+her+eclipses.+-intitle:%22%22+-inauthor:%22%22&source=bl&ots=SWZOrPjJsY&sig=4GKwMWA4MtrBMtG7JCqn_ajguQI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hDEeUInNIcWZiQeboIC4Bg&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=This%20earthly%20moon%2C%20the%20Church%2C%20hath%20fulls%20and%20wanings%2C%20and%20sometimes%20her%20eclipses.%20-intitle%3A%22%22%20-inauthor%3A%22%22&f=false page 219,
This earthly moon, the Church, hath her fulls and wanings, and sometimes her eclipses, while the shadow of this sinful mass hides her beauty from the world.
puhekieltä An aerialist maneuver consisting of a backflip in conjunction and simultaneous with a complete twist.
puhekieltä To become full or wholly illuminated.
1888 September 20, " The Harvest Moon," New York Times (retrieved 10 April 2013):
The September moon fulls on the 20th at 24 minutes past midnight, and is called the harvest moon.
1905, w:Annie Fellows Johnston|Annie Fellows Johnston, The Little Colonels Christmas Vacation'', ch. 4:
"By the black cave of Atropos, when the moon fulls, keep thy tryst!"
1918, w:Kate Douglas Wiggin|Kate Douglas Wiggin, The Story Of Waitstill Baxter, ch. 29:
"The moon fulls to-night, don't it?"
puhekieltä To baptise.
To make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing, to waulk, walk
sheet of paper
puhekieltä (l)
puhekieltä overflowing, packed, crowded
puhekieltä very, really
puhekieltä full house


  • "Kuten kaikki jotka ovat toimineet tässä virassa aiemmfull|in, myös mfull|inä olen kokenut takaiskuja. On asioita jotka tekisfull|in toisfull|in jos minulle vafull|in annettaisifull|in siihen mahdollisuus. Kuitenkfull|in olen aina toiminut maamme etu mielessäni. Olen seurannut omatuntoani ja tehnyt kuten parhaana pidfull|in. Luultavasti olette eri mieltä joistakfull|in tekemistäni vaikeista päätöksistä. Mutta toivon että olette samaa mieltä siitä, että olfull|in valmis tekemään nuo vaikeat päätökset." "

  • "All ya dandies, prancfull|in' about with your heads full|in of eyeballs! (Kaikki te keikarit, hypähtelette ympäriinsä päänne täynnä silmämunia!)"

  • "Killing you is full|in-time job now. (Sinun tappamisesi on nyt täysipäiväistä työtä.)"

  • "(Kosto) There was you, very full|in of yourself. Then, very briefly surprised. Then, dead. (Täällä olit sfull|inä, täynnä itseäsi. Sitten, hetken yllättynyt. Sitten, kuollut)"


full|in rimmaa näiden kanssa:

in, drive-in, taain, parhain, varhain, aamuvarhain, rajain, ohjain, kauko-ohjain, sauvaohjain

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