friend zone

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


englanti puhekieltä The situation in which one is viewed by a potential partner as a platonic friend, which complicates the initiation of a romantic relationship.
1996, w:Chris Rock|Chris Rock, Chris Rock: Bring the Pain (appox. 42 minutes)
Every platonic friend I got is some woman I was tryin' to fuck, I made a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the friend zone.
2003, Dan Indante, Karl Marks, The Complete A**holes Guide to Handling Chicks''
Clearly, it is critical that you stay out of the friend zone.
2004, Tony Clink, Bret Witter, The layguide
But, even after such a promising start, a lot of guys let their encounters degenerate into . . . the dreaded Friend Zone.
2005, Terry Dennis, The Manual
Once in a while, you will find yourself stuck in the friend zone. Don't panic, you are not alone.
2007, Helen Salter, Does Snogging Count as Exercise?
"Stuck in the Friend Zone," said Sasha wisely, although I don't think she's dipped a toe in the Friend Zone in her life.
puhekieltä To classify (someone) as a friend, but without any possibility of a romantic relationship.


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