

  1. virtaaminen, tulva, ryöppy, kevättulva.

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kevättulva, tulva A flood resulting from heavy rain or a spring thaw.
1831, Log after log is hauled to the bank of the river, and in a short time their first raft is made on the shore and loaded with cordwood. When the next freshet sets it afloat, it is secured by long grapevines or cables until, the proper time being arrived, the husband and sons embark on it and float down the mighty stream. — w:John James Audubon|John James Audubon, s:Early Settlers Along the Mississippi|Early Settlers Along the Mississippi
{{quote-book|year=1913|author=w:Robert Barr (writer)|Robert Barr
puhekieltä A small stream, especially one flowing into the sea.
1936, Between the kerbs and the snow-banks a freshet of clear blue water rises. Within me a freshet that chokes the narrow gorge of my veins. — Henry Miller, Black Spring
1959, We may find a dozen big catfish lying in the belly of the net, or a couple of walleyed pike, or some other kind of fresh-water fish. A freshet brought them down, and they were making their way back up the river, and they hit the net." — Joseph Mitchell, The Rivermen


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debet, tiibet, routavuodet, vaihdevuodet, sortovuodet, menekkivaikeudet, alkuvaikeudet, A-oikeudet, B-oikeudet, kruununkalleudet

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