freedom rider

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freedom rider

  1. kansalaisoikeusjohtaja, kansalaisoikeusaktivisti.

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freedom rider puhekieltä In the United States during the 1960s, a civil rights activist who participated in one or more bus trips, known as freedom rides, through parts of the southern U. S. to demonstrate opposition to racial prejudice and segregation.
1961, ",2253641&dq=dom-ride-must-continue&hl=en ‘Freedom Ride’ Must Continue—Rev. King," Sarasota Journal, 23 May, p. 2 (retrieved 29 Aug. 2010):

A Negro leader said today the "freedom riders" whose arrival here touched off race riots last Saturday will continue their test of Southern bus station segregation barriers. . . . The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. . . told a news conference the group met for four hours last night and decided that "the freedom ride must continue."
puhekieltä A participant in one or more of the similar excursions undertaken by protesters in Australia during the 1960s, in opposition to unfair discrimination against Aborigines.


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