


  1. mielenlujuus

Esimerkkejä fortitude sanan käytöstä:

I cant imagine how she survives but I admire her fortitude. – En ymmärrä miten hän selviytyy, mutta ihailen hänen mielenlujuuttaan.



  1. luonnollinen hyve, rohkeus, pelottomuus, urheus, urhoollisuus, mielenlujuus, lujuus, luonteenlujuus, sisukkuus, sisu, into, tarmo, tarmokkuus.

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mielenlujuus, luonteenlujuus, lujuus mental Mental or emotional strength that enables courage in the face of adversity.
1612, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, King Henry VIII, act 3, scene 2:

. . . I am able now, methinks,
Out of a fortitude of soul I feel,
To endure more miseries.
(circa) w:Jane Austen|Jane Austen, w:Lady Susan|Lady Susan, chapter 1:
I shall soon have need for all my fortitude, as I am on the point of separation from my own daughter.
1906, w:Joseph Conrad|Joseph Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea, chapter 21:
She may be saved by your efforts, by your resource and fortitude bearing up against the heavy weight of guilt and failure.
2012 Jan. 30, w:Fareed Zakaria|Fareed Zakaria, ",9171,2104842,00.html The Strategist," Time:
Mitt Romney . . . charges that Obama is an appeaser who apologizes for America, lacks fortitude and is "tentative, indecisive, timid and nuanced."
puhekieltä physical Physical strength.
1604, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, Othello, act 1, scene 3:
DUKE OF VENICE: The Turk with a most mighty preparation makes for
Cyprus. Othello, the fortitude of the place is best
known to you.


fortitude rimmaa näiden kanssa:

haude, vesihaude, laude, cum laude, kude, matonkude, kuviokude, lude, linssilude, typpylude

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