

  1. välinpitämättömyys, piittaamattomuus, väheksyä, ohittaa.

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englanti puhekieltä To neglect; overlook; disregard; despise.
1882, Victor Roy, A Masonic Poem by Harriet Annie Wilkins:
Could I forsee the sunken rocks of life?
(alternative spelling of)
1841, Gordon, History of Scots Affairs, from 1637 - 1641 (quote from 1638):
The reasone why the Commissioner did so muche presse the reading of the declinator was, because he forsaw that they meant to putt him to a dilemma which still should bring ane inconvenience along with it ...
puhekieltä To oversee; superintend; direct.


forsee rimmaa näiden kanssa:

klisee, suksee, rosee, essee, puusee

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