Liittyvät sanat: foorumi.


englanti puhekieltä (altform): an administrative subdivision of imperial China; the capital of such divisions.
puhekieltä (alternative case form of), as a generic mock or placeholder god.
puhekieltä A metasyntactic variable used to represent an unspecified entity. If part of a series of such entities, it is often the first in the series, and followed immediately by bar.

Suppose we have two objects, foo and bar.

(non-gloss definition)

Oh foo – the cake burnt!

puhekieltä (eye dialect of)
to stink


  • foogu: laine / aalto : Se pani foogut aina fledaan.

  • fooni: puhelin

  • Foordi: Ford-henkilöauto


foo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

voodoo, eioo, joo, trikoo, villatrikoo, puuvillatrikoo, pumpulitrikoo, nailontrikoo, talkoo, rokokoo

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