


  1. lennellä, lennähdellä, pyrähdellä

  2. puikkelehtia

  3. (Skotlannissa, Pohjois-Englannissa) muuttaa varkain (pakoon velkojia tms.)

Liittyvät sanat: med flit , flita , flitig



  1. muutto, uudelleensijoittaminen, liikehdintä, liikahdus, liike, liikkuvuus, pujahdus, syöksähdys, singahdus, liikkua nopeasti ja äänettömästi, liikkua sinne tänne, kiitää, syöksähdellä, säntäillä, lentää, pyrähtää, viilettää, kiiruhtaa, suhahtaa, vilahtaa, kipaista.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä





lentää, liikkua nopeasti ja äänettömästi, säntäillä A fluttering or darting movement.
puhekieltä A particular, unexpected, short lived change of state.

My computer just had a flit.

puhekieltä A homosexual.
To move about rapidly and nimbly.
1855, w:Alfred, Lord Tennyson|Tennyson, s:Maud, and other poems/Maud|Maud:
A shadow flits before me, / Not thou, but like to thee; (..)
1912: (w), (w), s:Tarzan of the Apes/Chapter 6|Chapter 6
There were many apes with faces similar to his own, and further over in the book he found, under "M," some little monkeys such as he saw daily flitting through the trees of his primeval forest. But nowhere was pictured any of his own people; in all the book was none that resembled Kerchak, or Tublat, or Kala.
To move quickly from one location to another.
1597, (w), Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie, https://archive.org/stream/a587915702hookuoftpage/n23/mode/2up Chapter 5:
By their means it became a received opinion, that the souls of men departing this life, do flit out of one body into some other.
puhekieltä To unpredictably change state for short periods of time.

My blender flits because the power cord is damaged.

puhekieltä To move house (sometimes a sudden move to avoid debts).


1855, w:Anthony_Trollope Anthony Trollope, s:The Warden/Chapter 21|The Warden, page 199 (ISBN 0679405518)
After this manner did the late Warden of Barchester Hospital accomplish his flitting, and change his residence.
1859, w:George Webbe Dasent|George Dasent (tr.), Popular Tales from the Norse, "s:Popular Tales from the Norse/The Cat on the Dovrefell|The Cat on the Dovrefell":
(..) we can't give any one house-room just now, for every Christmas Eve such a pack of Trolls come down upon us that we are forced to flit, and haven't so much as a house over our own heads, to say nothing of lending one to any one else.
To be unstable; to be easily or often moved.
the free soul to flitting air resigned
puhekieltä fast Fast, nimble.
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.iv:
And in his hand two darts exceeding flit, / And deadly sharpe he held ....
to move house
to English flit
diligence, industriousness, energy

där flitens lampa brinner

where someone works long hours


  • flitsari: lyönti avokämmenellä


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