


  1. lihaisa

  2. mehevä, mehukas

  3. pulska, pullea

Esimerkkejä fleshy sanan käytöstä:

Cherry is fleshy.

His fleshy face makes him look quite handsome.



  1. lihava, läski, pulska, pyylevä, raskasrakenteinen, ylipainoinen.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



pyylevä, pulska

lihainen Of, related to, or resembling flesh.
1850, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, David Copperfield, ch. 7:

Mr. Creakle . . . showed me the cane, and asked me what I thought of THAT? . . . Did it bite? At every question he gave me a fleshy cut with it that made me writhe.
1901, w:H. G. Wells|H. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon, ch. 8:
Over reefs and banks of shining rock, a bristling beard of spiky and fleshy vegetation was straining into view.
puhekieltä Having considerable flesh.
1894, w:Anthony Hope|Anthony Hope, The Prisoner of Zenda, ch. 3:
The King's face was slightly more fleshy than mine, the oval of its contour the least trifle more pronounced.
1908, w:Jack London|Jack London, "The Heathen":
He was a large fleshy man, weighing at least two hundred pounds, and he quickly became a faithful representation of a quivering jelly-mountain of fat.
2009, Lisa Abend, "http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1871656,00.html Google Earth Takes On the Prado's Masterworks," Time, 15 Jan.:
It's hard to imagine why Flemish Renaissance artist Peter Paul Rubens would paint a blemish on the backside of one of the fleshy lovelies meant to represent beauty, charm and good cheer, but there's no denying that single red brushstroke in the midst of his central figure's creamy skin.


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vichy, syyhy, möyhy, röyhy, jäähy

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