

  1. kuljeskelija



kuljeskelija One who wanders aimlessly, who roams, who travels at a lounging pace.
2009, Barry Estabrook, Gourmet October 2009, "Good Living", page 57

Portsmouth is a flaneur’s dream come true, a place that simply begs to be explored randomly and on foot.
(quote-journal) (Review)|date=23 August 2014|passage=In observing Dublin in this way – its cultural and geographic context, its streets and skies, neighbours and wider world – Whitney is occupying consciously the role of flâneur, defined by w:Charles Beaudelaire|Beaudelaire as "a lounger or saunterer, an idle man about town", a gatherer of aesthetic impressions.
An idler, a loafer.
A person who walks the city in order to experience it.
puhekieltä A saunterer; a lounger.


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