

  1. liekehtivä

  2. slangia|k=en näkyvä

Esimerkkejä flaming sanan käytöstä:

The 'flaming' debris kept the firefighter well back, and the sparks threatened the neighborhood.

To call him a 'flaming' homosexual would be an understatement, but I think he acts that way just to see people react.

Liittyvät sanat: flamboyant



  1. kuuma, kiivas, leiskuva, liekehtivä, laantumaton, lieventymätön, loputon, täydellinen, helvetin, kirottu, kirotun, hemmetin, pahuksen, pahuksenmoinen, samperin, helkutin, saatanan, vitun, helkkarin, saamarin.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: flamingo, flamingokukka.



helkutin, saamarin, helkkarin

leiskuva, liekehtivä On fire with visible flames.

The flaming debris kept the firefighter well back, and the sparks threatened the neighborhood.

2011, Stephanie Owen Reeder, Amazing Grace: An Adventure at Sea (page 76)
On Christmas Day, the pudding was served piping hot, with flaming brandy on top.
puhekieltä Extremely obvious; visibly evident. Typically of a homosexual male.

To call him a flaming homosexual would be an understatement, but I think he acts that way just to see people react.

puhekieltä damned Damned, bloody.

I wasted three hours in that flaming traffic jam!

(present participle of)
sterilization Sterilization by holding an object in a hot flame.
puhekieltä vitriolic Vitriolic criticism.

You can expect a flaming if you post irrelevant spam to a newsgroup.



flaming rimmaa näiden kanssa:

drag racing, icing, bodybuilding, sightseeing, stretching, desktop publishing, body stocking, smoking, quisling, happening

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