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kekäle An argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary; one who agitates against the current situation.

The member of the colleges Communist League was a firebrand who would launch a sit-in or protest march at a moment's notice.''

(quote-journal)|title=In the Ferguson era, Malcolm X’s courage in fighting racism inspires more than ever|work=(w) (London)|date=20 February 2015|url=
A torch or other burning stick with a flame at one end.

The crowd cheered as a firebrand was tossed onto the huge pile of wood to start the traditional homecoming bonfire.

1807, François Rabelais, Mr. Ozell (John), Sir Thomas Urquhart, The Works of Francis Rabelais - Volume 2 - Page 182:
(..) he filled all their throats with it, so that those poor wretches were by it made to cough like foxes, crying, Ha, Pantagruel, how how thou addest greater heat to the firebrand that is in us.
1868, George Swinnock, Works - Volume 2 - Page 212:
He that is inebriated with passion is unfit for any action; like Samson's foxes, he scattereth firebrands abroad, to the hurt of all that are near him.


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big band, chateaubriand, dixieland

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