figure out

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


figure out

  1. ymmärtää, älytä, järkeillä, päätellä, ratkaista, ratkoa, keksiä, selvittää, selättää, hoksata, tajuta, ratkaista arvoitus, solmia, tasata.

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keksiä, hoksata, tajuta puhekieltä To come to understand; to discover or find a solution; to deduce.

As soon as I figure out what is wrong with my car, I will fix it.

puhekieltä To calculate.

Wed already figured out that the trip would cost $1,000.''


  • "The truth, however, is that a composer need not work in isolation; there is no reason for us to suppose that Reich's popularity and commercial success brands him as a cult figure unworthy of our attention."


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out, knock-out, ragoût, burnout, passepartout, stout, layout

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