


  1. taata (lupaus)

  2. myydä luotolla, luotottaa

  3. luottaa


englanti puhekieltä One in whom the property of an estate is vested, subject to the estate of a liferenter.
Sir Walter Scott
The price of grain, as legally fixed, in the county counties of Scotland, on an annual basis.
to sell on credit
puhekieltä to trust
slant, tilt, bias, obliquity
bend, twist; crookedness, perverseness
slanting, tilted, oblique, diagonal, crosswise
bent, warped, crooked, perverse
slant, tilt, veer, turn
bend, twist, distort
puhekieltä pleased
to spin (thread)
bend (gloss)
bend, slant, twist
bent, crooked
slanting, oblique
squinting (qualifier)
cunning, sly
to guarantee
to sell on credit, give credit, put on the slate
to entrust
to confide


fiar rimmaa näiden kanssa:

maar, cheddar, udar, agar, agar-agar, askar, mar, huhmar, piennar, ojanpiennar

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